當到了一定的年紀,就會發現身邊的好友們開始結婚並有了他們可愛的小朋友們。一方面我的臉書首頁開始被這些可愛小朋友的照片洗版,一方面聽到朋友們訴說著他們在照顧小孩時是多麼的疲憊與缺乏睡眠。因為我有了畫這張畫的想法,想像著這些小孩在他們眼中是怎樣的模樣? 同時間擁有天使與魔鬼的本性,可愛與危險並存。當然這是開玩笑的!我相信每個小孩在他們父母親心中都是最可愛的天使,對吧?
As I reach a certain age, more and more my friends start to have their own babies. On one hand, there are many cute photos of these lovely ones on my facebook. On the other hand, most of these new parents also have some words about how tired and sleepless in their life. This situation gives me the idea to make this painting. I imagine how these little babies look like in their parent’s eyes, so lovely and dangerous at the same time. Of course, it is just a painting for fun. I believe that every child is the angel of his/her parents, isn’t he/she?