為了捕捉更多的光線色彩 高樓或較少人能夠觀察的地方,好好欣賞人們忙碌的樣子
用比較特別的色調寫出心裡的畫面好像繽紛的色彩 困著一股寂靜的氛圍。
In order to catch more lights,I chose to observed peoples from many rooftops .A secret place without peoples in this crowded city … Quietly . I enjoy observing every tiny things from a distance and try to read and imagine peoples emotion as a subject for me to capture with my thoughts at the moment. I like to use unusual tones to describe the image that comes to mind,Its like a quietness and the loneliness being trapped by the colorful world, and its just like me. I hope my works are able to catch your eyes , slow down the moment. Clank your heart and inspire your imagination .
繽紛的色調 寫下寂寞的氛圍
記錄城市裡 微小的毛細孔
遠遠的端望 觀察那些微小的事物
你大概也很寂寞對吧 ?
Facebook : 安木。Ainwoods
Instagram : Ainwoods
系列於 2016台北藝術攝影展 順利展出
也將參與 2017 Wonder Foto Day 展出
於華山1914文創園區 中4B
2017/3/17 ~ 3/19
祝福 。
Facebook : 安木。Ainwoods
Instagram : Ainwoods