提到奧地利,通常聯想到維也納、多瑙河、莫札特、Red Bull,當今世界最富裕國之一的山之國。
JOHAMMER J1 electric motorcycle,這台極具 space age 設計感的摩托車,由 10 人組成的奧地利車廠打造,不僅獨特外觀設計,JOHAMMER J1 已經是完全從根本上的創新。
而此次推出新一代電動車,技術突破瓶頸,單次充電 3.5 小時,續航里程可達到 150-200 公里,最高時速 120 kph。
JOHAMMER J1 以最簡單的後輪驅動原理,氣冷式引擎、搭配鋁合金車架、避震器、電池組,所有行車資訊都彙整於後照鏡顯示系統,捨棄了儀表板,提供輕量化、高穩定性與巡航樂趣。
電池組約有 200,000km 或 4年壽命,且 100% 回收利用。
5 月到 10 月之間,也提供 115 歐元,從奧地利到波西米雅約 3 小時的體驗駕馭套裝。
photo / JOHAMMER
作品多收錄於年鑑及設計出版,曾於柏林、東京、台北等地展出,兩度獲得德國紅點獎、日本插畫家協會全場大獎、路易斯威爾國際創意白金獎、倫敦Licc、紐約3X3、紐約AI34、紐約CQ41、香港APPo Vol.5等。
Most of my designs do not originate from a briefing, I always start with an image or a slogan they matter doesn't relate to briefing but instincts. I am lucky that the case I am working with, allow me to do this way.
I have be a freelancer design for my independent studio for 3 years. Devours Restaurant Studio is a graphic design and art direction studio based in Taiwan. My work has been shortlisted for 2 reddot Design Award、3x3 New York、Creative Quarterly 41 winner、Golden Pin Concept Award、Platinum Creativity International 45th 、GRAND PRIX JIA Illustration、Licc London、FJ art plus Beijing and AI34 CHOSEN WINNER 、etc. Keep designing and be designing.
作品多收錄於年鑑及設計出版,曾於柏林、東京、台北等地展出,兩度獲得德國紅點獎、日本插畫家協會全場大獎、路易斯威爾國際創意白金獎、倫敦Licc、紐約3X3、紐約AI34、紐約CQ41、香港APPo Vol.5等。
Most of my designs do not originate from a briefing, I always start with an image or a slogan they matter doesn't relate to briefing but instincts. I am lucky that the case I am working with, allow me to do this way.
I have be a freelancer design for my independent studio for 3 years. Devours Restaurant Studio is a graphic design and art direction studio based in Taiwan. My work has been shortlisted for 2 reddot Design Award、3x3 New York、Creative Quarterly 41 winner、Golden Pin Concept Award、Platinum Creativity International 45th 、GRAND PRIX JIA Illustration、Licc London、FJ art plus Beijing and AI34 CHOSEN WINNER 、etc. Keep designing and be designing.