十月,2013年也要進入尾聲,這一年看了很多大大小小的 Live 演出,非常非常喜歡 Live 表演的魅力,今天想和大家分享,在這些表演裡,潘德曼看得最開心的一個樂團: British Sea Power 英國海洋力量
Time Out雜誌「2004年度最佳現場演出樂團」
[youtube width=”640″ height=”480″]http://youtu.be/DHUes0dGjUI[/youtube]
We’re of primitive abolution
Like a hobbyist of deranged proportion
Or the wait is yours and we’ve failed again
The fleshy existance you keep to yourself,
Is secure
We are magnificent machineries of joy
We are magnificent machineries of joy
Machines of joy, and then some
Machines of joy, and then some
You are a vision of extraordinary contortion
An athletic form of warm distortion
And the triumph’s yours, we lose again
The fleshy existence you keep to yourself,
Is secure
We are magnificent machineries of joy
We are magnificent machineries of joy
Machines of joy, and then some
Machines of joy, and then some
You are a vision, you are a vision, a vision
Tell me what he said, it doesn’t really matter
Just tell me what he said, and I don’t really care
It’s only what he said,
We can make it better
Tell me what he said, no I don’t really care
Help is on the way, help is on the way
Help is on the way, we all know
It’s a kind of vision, it’s a kind of
it’s a kind of vision.
We are magnificent machineries of joy
We are magnificent machineries of joy
Machines of joy, we meant some
Machines of joy, we meant some.
British Sea Power 來自英國海濱度假勝地Brighton,學生時期成團、開始錄製Demo。
獨立名廠 Rough Trade 老闆 Geoff Travis 因為看見他們的 LIVE 表演而立刻和他們簽約,因為他們有著最強大的演出活力
[youtube width=”640″ height=”480″]http://youtu.be/5VpFfEzTdP8[/youtube]
British Sea Power 現場帶來的,是一種炙熱的魅力四射,讓人想要跟著台上的他們瘋狂舞動,和台下觀眾開心地玩著 Stage Dive,讓歌迷一起融入這場演唱會中,彷彿這是我們一起的表演。
瘋狂地演奏和嘶吼著,像是要用盡全身的氣力,只為了帶來精采的一整晚,那一夜,我們看得非常開心,這是 LIVE 極致的魅力,超脫原本的專輯曲目,給人一種真是活著的感覺。
British Sea Power ,今年最美好的表演,未來他們造訪台灣千萬不能錯過呀!
Photo via GigGuide