
  • 木妍體|Mu Yen Font

  • 歪斜成像 Impression Identified

    We as a society tend to apply a reductive principle that classifies individuals into “them” and “us,” defining identities with a stereotypical and jaundiced eye. However, labelling does not contribute to the understanding of one’s entirety. The Impression Identified Movement celebrates the spectrum of humanity’s multifacetedness, presenting the unfathomable possibilities of human beings.

  • 《去自由FREEZINE》言論自由議題刊物



  • 獄言實錄-現代閻羅判案視覺設計




  • 三明製品 | Sandwich Generation

    It provides a personalized self-test pressure set to the sandwich generation so that users can easily distinguish the severity and type of their stress. We want to resonate and reflect on ourselves by viewing the pressure chart and story of the interviewee.

    以實地採訪為主,暸解三明治族群在生活上面臨的壓力狀況,總共收錄了 12 位 25 歲至 60 歲不同行業的三明治族群,透過訪談紀錄,用最真實的言語與影像傳達給社會,讓現階段或未來踏入三明治族群的人們可以更注重這個議題。
    We understand that the sandwich generation is under life pressure through personal interviews. A total of 12 sandwich generation from 25 to 60 years of age were interviewed. By recording their interview, the truest words and films are spread to the general public, and we hope to let the people who will enter the sandwich generation can focus on this issue.

  • 懶螞蟻 LAZY ANT




    We’re not lazy. We just observe more than others!

    When people devote themselves to their duties and jobs, we, as designers, try to reflect the problems we observe every day to each aspect of life through the perspective of design. Designers are just like the lazybones in a group of ants ignoring the misunderstanding of spectators towards us. As a matter of fact, we just slow down a little bit hoping to look through the problems with a unique view and present a special and different design aspect of our own.

    The real significance and the surface status of words that represent a negative image originally are disintegrated through looking like laziness. We point out a normal misunderstanding of the general public towards the thinking pattern of designers,which not only makes the audience curious, but also further interprets the relationship between lazy ants and designers. Meanwhile, we expect to apply distinctive creation of each individual to solve problems under the camouflage of ants and gradually become leaders with independent thinking by facing challenges one after another.



