生•生-家居用品設計 Zen is Life – Home Improvement Design

醒吾科技大學 / 商業設計系
The Chinese philosophy of Five Element Theory believes that the nature is composed of the five elements – Metal, Woods, Water, Fire and Earth, and each of them is interrelated with one another to maintain the balance of the nature. In fact, the phases of the five elements also have deep association with our nature, geomancy and cosmology.

Therefore, our design reflects the interaction between the Five Elements and the interior space, which is the initial phase of how “Feng Shui” started. Since the widespread of urbanization, people have lived in an increasingly fast-paced lifestyle. However, we believe it is beneficial for us to return to the nature, and create a LOHAS space in the city for the people.

Aside from the Five Element Theory, our design concept adopts natural and genuine materials to converge with lifestyle to create calm and restrained sense of space. Meanwhile, the layout of our home improvement concepts attempts to establish a harmonious convergence between space and senses, so that an ultimate interior peace and relaxation can be established.

砳-無線藍牙音響 Le – Wireless Bluetooth Speaker

“Le” is a artistic process that calms the mind to listen to the sounds of the stones. Two of the Chinese Five Elements are applied in this design: Earth and Metal, as it is philosophically believed that Metal carries Water. Therefore, “Le” is a combination of “stone” and the smartphone, where the “stone” represents Earth while the handset resembles Metal. Based on this mutually harmonious concept, we have designed “Le” Wireless Bluetooth Speaker, with the upper “stone” as the portable Bluetooth speaker, and the bottom “stone” as charging dock. The two “stones” resemble the concept of “Le” in traditional Chinese character and successfully converge vision and acoustic enjoyment through Bluetooth technology.

渺-香薰機 Moon – Scent Air Machine

Based on the concept of “water cultivating woods” in the Chinese Five Element Theory, our design for this scent air machine leverage the elements of water and woods to symbolize cycles and generations. For this product, we applied circular architecture in the product housing to convey the visual images of relaxation and comfort with the scent from the machine. The spray resembles a deep mountain with fogs and we designed a LED in the rim. When the LED is turned on while the scented fog is released, the scent air machine conveys the image of moonlight in the water. The scent with the visual enjoyment will relax users with comforts and escape from their busy lives.

曉-香座燈飾 Dawn – Incense Dock Lights

是結合香座的燈飾,點燃線香的同時開啟氣氛燈,青煙環繞著燈光,絲絲美妙的香味,層層覺悟著禪的意境。 結合視覺、嗅覺,香座的造型有如釣魚的漁翁,融合點燃的自然意象,線香在點燃的時候,香灰掉入下方的集灰盒,象徵著木生火、火生土的概念,天人合一,集灰盒使用的材質是透明壓克力板,圓環的材質是木頭,在圓環內圈有LED燈 ,在燈座的尾端有磁力充電頭,給予足夠的電力。
The design of “Dawn” incense dock lights is a combination of incense dock and décor lights. When incense sticks are lit and placed in the dock, the atmosphere lights will be switched on. The lighting surrounded by incense and smell conveys the idea of Zen Life. While the dock resembles the fisherman, the ash that falls into the box of the dock resembles the relations of Fire and Woods in the Chinese Five Element theory. Regarding the materials of this design, the ash box is made of transparent acrylic materials, while the rim is made of woods. The LED is located within the wooden rim, with a magnetic charging connector at the end to supply the needed currents.

謐-沙盤桌燈 Quietness – Table Lamp

The design of “Quietness” lamp is based on the generating relations between Woods and Metal in the Chinese Five Element theory, as the two elements together represent peace and stabilization. The rotating switch on the sandbox communicates the feeling of natural cycle. If it is rotated in a clockwise direction, the sandbox will show circles. If it is rotated in a counter-clockwise direction, the sand will be flat. Aside from the sand-like mechanism, meditation was also taken as the design concept to convey the Zen Life.

觀-精油擴香台 Bamboo – Essential Oil Aroma Diffuser

The “Water” and “Woods” of the Chinese Five Element were taken in the design of the aroma diffuser. Our design concept leverages the up-and-down cycle of the Japanese gardening water-bamboo features to resemble the re-generation cycle of water. The bamboo clicking sound at the end of each water cycle symbolizes a good day of life. In this product design, the dripping of essential oil represents the water cycle and the aroma is diffused during the cycles.


醒吾科技大學 / 商業設計系
FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟 FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟



