交通大舞廳 The Knock-On Effect

崑山科技大學 / 視覺傳達設計系
魏佳慧 Wei, Jai-Hui、林羿渟 Lin, Yi-Ting、邱奕涵 Chiu, Yi-Han、曾郁淇 Tseng, Yu-Chi、王展鴻 Wang, Chan-Hung、王郁雯 Wang, Yu-Wun

What would the little green man and little red man in traffic signs want to do if they are freed from the endless cycle of stop and run? If and when the little green man and little red man suddenly become self-aware by chance, their behavior disrupts the old order and creates a series of knock-on effects.



What would the little green man and little red man in traffic signs want to do if they are freed from the endless cycle of stop and run? If and when the little green man and little red man suddenly become self-aware by chance, their behavior disrupts the old order and creates a series of knock-on effects.

As cars proceed in an orderly manner along the road, the old and worn traffic light suddenly sparks and makes a huge bang, making the little green man inside the traffic light fall over from sheer surprise. When he gets up, he realizes that he can now move freely. He waves his arms and legs in disbelief, turning the space into his own personal stage. The music begins to play, the little green man and little red man starts dancing, and the traffic light starts blinking erratically. Traffic is now in chaos and the street is a complete mess...


崑山科技大學 / 視覺傳達設計系
魏佳慧 Wei, Jai-Hui
林羿渟 Lin, Yi-Ting
邱奕涵 Chiu, Yi-Han
曾郁淇 Tseng, Yu-Chi
王展鴻 Wang, Chan-Hung
王郁雯 Wang, Yu-Wun
FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟 FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟



