〔炊奏 Foody Vibe 〕
炊奏 Foody Vibe 是一套烹飪體驗系統,偵測烹飪中造成個人特色差異的參數(火候調味、調味料的量、食材加熱時間等)並將之轉化成一小段音樂。讓參與者料理的同時,創造出獨一無二且代表他烹飪特色或飲食喜好的樂曲。
With the development of big data, people pursue the precision of data and the efficiency of communication. Yet the never-ending search for perfect objectiveness often leads to the negligence of subjectivity, furthermore, people even forget to use their own senses to explore their preferences. Thus, we designed an interactive experience system to trigger some introspection among the people and ourselves.
Foody Vibe is an interactive cooking system that detects crucial factors that differentiates people’s cooking, such as quantity, timing, heat, etc. With these collected data, Foody Vibe will generate a short corresponding melody, creating a musical representation of the dish the participants had made.
We believe that technology should have a stronger emphasis on satisfying human nature, reinforcing the quality of life, and make people feel more comfortable in their own skin.