一甘藏Hide and Sweet

國立雲林科技大學 / 視覺傳達設計系

The technique of making Bai Tang Cong is not only a precious folklore, but also a gorgeous show.
The combination of animation optical illusion and delicate packaging allows packaging to tell the story itself while being opened.

一甘藏Hide and Sweet


During the Japanese occupation period in Taiwan, the Japanese took away all the sugarcane in Taiwan. In order to hide these canes, the farmers made them become a kind of sucrose called Bai Tang Cong. This is how our theme name, ”Hide and Sweet,” came from.
However, the technique of making Bai Tang Cong had been dying away, and more and more people didn’t know what Bai Tang Cong is. According to the result of our investigation, we knew that 76% of the customers were attracted by the gorgeous show. Therefore, we designed a series of packages that people could see the process of making Bai Tang Cong at the same time. Then, the customers could let more people know by sending the presents and those who didn’t know about Bai Tang Cong could be more curious about it.


The combination of animation optical illusion and delicate packaging allows packaging to tell the story itself while being opened. Animation optical illusion is an optical phenomenon that uses the effects of visual persistence to interfere the eyes through the lines, making it look like an animation.

Just turn the axle of the long box gently and you can see the three-step animation of making Bai Tang Cong.
Step 1-Put the cooked sucrose in a pan and cool it with water.
Step 2-Pull the sucrose repeatedly with a wooden stick and cover the air inside. This is why there are holes in Bai Tang Cong.
Step 3-Hang the pulled sucrose on the wooden stick and wait for it to become hard completely before cutting and packing.
These 3 steps are all indispensable in the Bai Tang Cong show.


國立雲林科技大學 / 視覺傳達設計系
FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟 FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟



