自游-女性意識首飾設計 Liberty-female consciousness accessory

國立清華大學 / 藝術與設計學系
鍾沂諠 Chung,Yi-Hsuan

"Fish" as a unrestrained image, showing the attitude of not drift along. The combination of metal craft and 3D printing presents the posture of the fishtail swinging, and calls on modern women to break the boundaries of society's inequalities to take an autonomous mind and wander through the ocean.

自游-女性意識首飾設計 / Liberty-female consciousness accessory


"Fish" as a unrestrained image, showing the attitude of not drift along. The combination of metal craft and 3D printing presents the posture of the fishtail swinging, and calls on modern women to break the boundaries of society's inequalities to take an autonomous mind and wander through the ocean.


國立清華大學 / 藝術與設計學系
鍾沂諠 Chung,Yi-Hsuan
FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟 FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟



