TRACLE 的命名由來是MUSIC TRACK 和 SOCIAL CIRCLE 組合而成,是一個專為音樂愛好 者而 生的音樂共享平台,我們致力於創造出獨一無二的音樂社群化體驗,藉此增強音樂平台上 的社群互 動率,而不是僅靠演算法來驅動的音樂,是藉由朋友圈裡的音樂動態來發掘更多好音 樂,獨樂樂不如 眾樂,聆聽音樂不再只是聆聽音樂,自由自在地和音樂同好互動分享,創造專 屬的音樂社交圈,讓音樂 成為一種交流方式,盡情享受由音樂共享社群所帶來的各種樂趣。
TRACLE = MUSIC TRACK + SOCIAL CIRCLE Tracle is a music sharing and discovery platform that's all about sharing your favorite song of the moment — your Tracle — with your friends and followers. Music discovery powered by friends, not algorithms, share your song of the moment and craft your musical identity. We believe that music is much more than just listening— it's about creating, sharing, discovering, participating, and connecting with people.
T R Λ C L Ξ ® | 音樂軌跡共享平台
TRACLE 的命名由來是MUSIC TRACK 和 SOCIAL CIRCLE 組合而成,是一個專為音樂愛好 者而 生的音樂共享平台,我們致力於創造出獨一無二的音樂社群化體驗,藉此增強音樂平台上 的社群互 動率,而不是僅靠演算法來驅動的音樂,是藉由朋友圈裡的音樂動態來發掘更多好音 樂,獨樂樂不如 眾樂,聆聽音樂不再只是聆聽音樂,自由自在地和音樂同好互動分享,創造專 屬的音樂社交圈,讓音樂 成為一種交流方式,盡情享受由音樂共享社群所帶來的各種樂趣。
TRACLE = MUSIC TRACK + SOCIAL CIRCLE Tracle is a music sharing and discovery platform that's all about sharing your favorite song of the moment — your Tracle — with your friends and followers. Music discovery powered by friends, not algorithms, share your song of the moment and craft your musical identity. We believe that music is much more than just listening— it's about creating, sharing, discovering, participating, and connecting with people.
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