在舊有社會的性別意識影響中,曾經我們都可能是帶有性別刻板印象的一群人,而不自覺,甚至覺得理所當然。 希望以品牌認同,在一樣有性別平等意識的族群中,強化我們之間的連結與認同,將觀點以設計與創作的方式呈現在作品中,讓穿戴身上的配件不僅僅是配件,也能表達自己的個性跟態度。再藉由自身行為做起進而影響他人。
In the influence of gender consciousness in the old society, we may have been a group of people with gender stereotypes, but unconsciously, or even take it for granted.I hope to strengthen and connect the identity between us in the same gender-conscious ethnic group through brand identity. Express my viewpoint in the way of design and creation. Accessories are not only accessories but also the personality and attitude of a person. After changing ourselves, we can also influence other people.