Yuguang Island, formerly known as Sankunsha, is an island located along the coast of Tainan and the closest to Taiwan’s main island. In recent years, it has quickly become a popular tourist attraction because of the art festival held on the island. However, the reasons for attracting people to come are mostly beautiful scenery and places to play in the water. The advantages of ecological resources that originally had abundant coastal forests have gradually blurred.
"Happy Yuguang Island" is a set of learning materials for island ecology. The purpose is to convey the ecological knowledge of Yuguang Island and cultivate the user's concept of caring for the natural environment.
This work is composed of an ecological textbook for indoor learning and a reality tour card for outdoor experience. Both parts are combined with augmented reality media to learn about 10 kinds of animals, plants, and dangers in the natural environment on Yuguang Island. Among them, the ecological textbook is a double-sided paper fold-out picture book, which tells about the ecological environment of the coastal forest and the beach of the bay on Yuguang Island on each side.
In addition, parents and children can also go to Yuguang Island to experience the ecological learning tour with a reality tour card. For learning in the outdoor reality experience, parents and children can use the knowledge content in the reality tour card, and superimpose the media into the real scene with augment reality technology. They can also use social media dialogue robots to guide children to think about the correct ecological solution.