
大同大學 / 工業設計學系

Patients with colon cancer or intestinal tract diseases can’t control defecation, that’s why many of them have to perform ostomy. After surgery, patients often have excessive abdominal pressure, not to say the inconvenience brought to their lives. Living with a pouch simply stops patients from socializing.
To reduce the physical and psychological burden on patients, we adapted self-care appliances for ostomy patients. To be specific, we make pouches lighter, more comfortable, and of course, keep a low profile. Wearing a pouch will no longer draw attention on the street. By monitoring patients and an intelligent reminder system, hopefully, we can make them reach out to people again.



colson girdle
For ostomy patients, using core muscles in their daily life may cause many complications due to excessive abdominal pressure. Also, they usually have to concern about ostomy pouch overload and falling off. The method of wearing an ostomy pouch is different from before. Colson girdle could fix the pouch to the stoma by tight and press. To avoid parastomal-hernia and become more comfortable, on the girdle, there’s a plat around the stoma and sponges at the waists. There’s a supporting bag in front of the girdle to scatter the weight of the ostomy pouch.

Intelligent monitoring
Using curvature and weight detector on the supporting bag, patients can be clear about the amount of the feces and whether the patients have flatulence. Connecting smartwatch and smartphone so that it can record their defecation cycle and remind patients about their defecation situation by big data while they’re exercising, sleeping, or doing other things. Simultaneously, diet affects their defecation directly, thus, the app also records their diet to make patients figure out what food is affecting their defecation and exhaust.
由於造口患者無法自主控制排便,外出時需要攜帶不少的輔助用具,造成患者不願外出。為了讓外出更便利,收納以輕巧、快速展開、收折為主要設計方向。尺寸適合放於背包內攜帶,即使更換外包,只需將收納袋直接取出放入即可,避免用具遺漏。 當患者需要在外更換造口袋時,將收納袋展開後,利用魔鬼氈懸掛於無障礙廁所扶手,收納袋會置於患者更換時方便拿取的位置,而用具擺放則讓患者能直覺地拿取所需物件,加快造口袋更換速度,再依照習慣選擇是否使用瓶罐類輔助產品。

Because of uncontrollable defecation, Ostomy patients need to carry lots of supplies when going out. It could weaken their willingness to go out. To be easier to go out, colson carrying-bag features the lightweight and quickly unfolded design, and its size is suitable for putting into another bag. As a result, the patients can directly bring all the supplies in a carrying-bag, even changing a bag would not forget anything. When the patients need to replace the pouch outside, the bag can hang on the handrail in the accessible restroom by velcro. They can pick up what they need at a convenient spot and choose what to use intuitively.
對大多數人而言,身體因手術產生巨大變化後,要恢復以往的生活是非常不容易的事,因此造成很多人對造口手術的懼怕。希望能透過設計讓患者在術後能回復過往的生活品質,願意走出陰霾與他人交流並且從事任何想做的活動 ,同時也讓須接受造口手術但尚未接受者樂觀的面對治療,並讓大眾對腸造口能夠有更多的瞭解。

For most people, it’s not easy to get back their life after their bodies undergo a huge change and that’s why a lot of people are afraid of ostomy surgery. We hope that our design can make the quality of their life better, let them communicate with others, and do any activities they want. At the same time, we also look forward to anyone who needs an ostomy could accept it and everybody can understand more about stoma.


大同大學 / 工業設計學系
FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟 FLiPER RHINOSHIELD 犀牛盾 techorange vidaorange 財團法人新光三越文教基金會 華山1914文化創意產業園區 松山文創園區 富邦藝術基金會 臺北藝術表演中心 兒童福利聯盟



