

Tout sur l’amour et les rêves   原來都是因為愛與夢     All about Love and Dream

Marc Chagal與他愛的小城Saint Paul de Vence
Marc Chagal與他心愛的南法小城 Saint Paul de Vence

2016 年,菲比創作了第三本 zine《原來都是因為愛與夢(All about Love and Dream)》,最初下筆動念是來自菲比極為喜愛的藝術家Marc Chagal的一生,以及相映其生命風景的藝術創作。Phebea created her 3rd zine in 2016, entitled All About Love and Dream, which is inspired by Marc Chagal, one of her favorite artists, and his artworks reflecting the life the artist led.


下筆後,菲比很想將這路想法分享給我那尚未出世的孩子,我想對她說說這些年我生活在世的些許感想──其實世界上充滿了愛與夢想。人類因為愛而動作;因為夢想而努力,世界也正因為愛與夢作為動能,方能運行。可能有人會說感受不到愛,但其實不是因愛不在,而是因為人做了另一種愛的決擇。若能夠體認原來都是因為愛與夢,那麼我們將會擁有不同以往的眼界去面對那些所謂的難題,並且與所處宇宙一同進入一個與萬物共榮的新光景。Phebea wants to share the thoughts she has while making this zine to her unborn child, to tell her the many thoughts she’s had while being in this world; she wants her to know that life is full of love and dreams. People do things out of love and work hard because of love. The world is moved by love and dreams. Sometimes people may think that they don’t feel love around them, but love is not really gone; it has just taken on a different form because of certain decisions made. If we can realize that love and dreams are the foundation of everything, we can then look at those obstacles in life with a different eye. Driven by love and moved by dreams, we can then enter into a new world of harmonious coexistence with all things in the universe.


Toute petite,小小,Tiny

最初,是一位母親與她腹中的女孩,生命小小的,但卻穩穩地。It begins with a small life, a little girl, growing inside her mother’s womb. She’s a tiny little thing nestled inside and growing steadily.


之後,是一位女孩與她的新郎,雙雙對對,攜手共進。Then, a girl is with her groom, as the couple joins their hands to move forward in life together.



婚後,女孩與先生住在一個綠綠的小園地,生活綠綠,吃得也綠綠。不認識他們的,會因為女孩說話大嗓門,以為凡事都是女孩說得算,但真正做主的卻是說話溫緩的新郎,每當新郎溫溫唸起,女孩頭上的緊箍咒便隨之作用。After their wedding, the girl and her husband live on a small land full of green. They live a green life and even their food is green, too. People that don’t know them that well tend to think that the girl is the one in control of the home because of her loud voice. However, the soft-spoken husband is actually the decision maker of the two, and his calm, slow way of talking is like the magic read about in the classic Chinese legend, The Monkey King, with the girl spellbound by his gentle chants.



相處,如同一面鏡,女孩笑,他就笑;他哭,女孩也會哭。在婚姻中的相處如同與人共舞,一人想要進,另一人就得退,但也不能總是推進同一方,而是人人得進也得退,同時保有個人立場,但卻可在不違背底線之前退讓。如同照鏡般的進退智慧女孩至今尚在學習,但卻已深切體認與人相處就是一番鏡相。To be with another person is like seeing a mirror image; when the girl smiles, he smiles, and when he cries, the girl cries. Being married is like dancing the pas de deux, when one person wants to move forward, the other must move back; however, the couple must be careful as to not always move in one direction but to work together to ensure each person is compromising when necessary but also holding his or her own ground. This wisdom of moving forward and back is something that the girl is still trying to learn, but she has surely gained a profound realization that being with another is like looking at a mirror.


原來都是因為愛與夢 (1)

原來都是因為愛與夢 (2)

原來都是因為愛與夢 (3)

1980年生於桃園,現居創作於桃園。喜劇性格,老派思想過著堅持與理想並進的人生現以獨立策展人、zine maker、煮婦、研究生以及高中老師等多重身分切換著
1980年生於桃園,現居創作於桃園。喜劇性格,老派思想過著堅持與理想並進的人生現以獨立策展人、zine maker、煮婦、研究生以及高中老師等多重身分切換著







